Art in the Park
Chesterfield Square
This was a community event in South Los Angeles. There were 150 people who attended to the new murals in the park and surrounding areas. It started with a bike tour of Chesterfield followed by an Art/bike themed party at the park.

Lanita and Kaija took Urtopia Ebikes bikes to ride the bike tour of Chesterfield. The terrain was flat so they only needed to use eco mode on the ebike. They both loved how effortless the bike was, even in eco mode, as this will get you more miles from the battery assist.

Throughout the day there were many bike rides around Chesterfield where kids learned to bike on the streets. The ride leader from the Walk N Rollers foundation used our ebike and this helped her on her many trips throughout the day. She appreciated the ease of the bike while she focused on safety instructions to the children on their bikes.

If you want to know more about the Urtopia Carbon E-Bike, click the link below, and we sure you will be surprised as the test riders at the event. We really appreciated the opportunity to be in the neighbourhood and meet you in real life, we want to get in touch with customers face to face to know each other more.